BoincTasks Graphs

Statistics / Credit graph

Statistics graph


Double click on the graph to maximize the graph and hide the left side.

Computers and Projects

Select at least one computer and project
Use the Ctrl key for multiple selections.

Multiple selections

Check this box for selecting multiple items, just by clicking on them.

Combine projects

Unless checked, projects are shown in separate tiles.
Checking this item combines the projects or computers in one graph.
But you can select multiple items only on Computers or Projects, not on both.

Line thickness

Allow for narrow “1” or wider “2” graph lines.

Expanded selection box

You can check this one, if you have more than 8 computers or projects.


Refreshes the Computer and Projects, this is normally only needed when adding or removing Projects.


Tips, small windows are shown, when you keep the mouse pointer over one of the points in the graph, to get more detailed information.


Colors can be adjusted in the menu: Extra->BoincTasks colors and fonts->Graphic.

 Tasks graph

Tasks graph
For best results, the history must be enabled. But if the history is disabled, you can still see the tasks that are still on the system.


Double click on the graph to maximize the graph and hide the left side.

Computers and Projects

Select at least one computer and project
Use the Ctrl key for multiple selections.

Multiple selections

Check this box for selecting multiple items, just by clicking on them.

Combine projects

Unless checked, projects are shown in separate tiles.
Checking this item combines the projects or computers in one graph.
But you can select multiple items only on Computers or Projects, not on both.


Shows the 24 hour average line, separately


Show in block mode. (preferred)


Show CPU, GPU or both.

Over a period of:

When unchecked, everything is shown. When checked only the time period, in days is shown

Line thickness

Allow for narrow “1” or wider “2” graph lines.

Expanded selection box

You can check this one, if you have more than 8 computers or projects.


Refreshes the Computer and Projects, this is normally only needed when adding or removing Projects.


Colors can be adjusted in the menu: Extra->BoincTasks colors and fonts->Graphic.

 Temperature graph

Tasks graph
You need to install TThrottle on all computers, you want to read the temperatures from.
Enable BoincTasks in TThrottle and enable TThrottle in BoincTasks.
For added security, you can use a password. Make sure you set the password on both ends.


Double click on the graph to maximize the graph and hide the left side.


With the two sliders close to the header, you can go back in time.
The clock time is shown in the bottom of the graph.


Colors can be adjusted in the menu: Extra->BoincTasks colors and fonts->Temperature.

 Transfer graph

Transfer graph
This graph shows the Interned, data transfer. You need BOINC V7 for this to work.


Double click on the graph to maximize the graph and hide the left side.


Use the Ctrl key for multiple selections.

Multiple selections

Check this box for selecting multiple items, just by clicking on them.

Downloaded and Uploaded

Show downloaded and or uploaded data.


Show in block mode.

Line thickness

Allow for narrow “1” or wider “2” graph lines.


Refreshes the Computer and Projects, this is normally only needed when adding or removing Projects.


Colors can be adjusted in the menu: Extra->BoincTasks colors and fonts->Graphic.

 Deadline graph

Deadline graph
The bars show the amount of work (in hours) for a specific deadline. The amount of work is adjusted for the number CPU and GPU running.
If the average line reaches zero, before the current line indicator (vertical line to the left), the work is completed in time.

Vertical: Time in hours.
Horizontal: Wall clock time. The small vertical line is the current time.

WARNING: As of V 1.47, the graph adjusts to the amount of time the Client runs, if the BoincTasks Settings->View “Adjust time to BOINC client run time” is checked.
Otherwise the graph is based on 100% run time.


Double click on the graph to maximize the graph and hide the left side.

Computers and Projects

Select at least one computer and project
Use the Ctrl key for multiple selections.

Multiple selections

Check this box for selecting multiple items, just by clicking on them.

Combine projects

Unless checked, projects are shown in separate tiles.
Checking this item combines the projects or computers in one graph.
But you can select multiple items only on Computers or Projects, not on both.


Shows the completion line


Show in block mode. (preferred)


Show CPU, GPU or both.

Over a period of:

When unchecked, everything is shown. When checked only the time period, in days is shown

Line thickness

Allow for narrow “1” or wider “2” graph lines.

Expanded selection box

You can check this one, if you have more than 8 computers or projects.


Refreshes the Computer and Projects, this is normally only needed when adding or removing Projects.


Colors can be adjusted in the menu: Extra->BoincTasks colors and fonts->Graphic.
More technical, how the calculation works:

The graph represents the amount of work left in time slices of one hour. E.g. 10 tasks that fall within one time slice are combined into a single bar, one hour wide.

graphBar = TimeLeft / UpTime / Cores TimeLeft in slices of one hour, everthing within the one hour period is combined. UpTime between 0 and 1 (1 = running 100%)
If Extra->BoincTasks settins->view “Adjust time to BOINC client run time” is NOT checked  UpTime is ALWAYS  1.
Example: Computer runs 40% of the time, the number of cores is 4 and the time left is 4 hours in one time slice of 1 hour: 4 (TimeLeft) / 0.4 (UpTime) / 4 (Cores) = 2.5 hour

The average line, shows the time it takes to run the tasks. So when the average line hits 0 the task is completed and this gives an indication, if the tasks can be completed in time.