BoincTasks Js Rules

V 1.12 Warning experimental, as always use at your own risk.


Once one or more rules are set, (active) results are read every 30 seconds.
When a rule matches, it results in a selected action, some rules trigger immediately, others after a set time in minutes.
Use Show – > Rules log to follow rule triggering.

Add rules

Do Not add rules manually using Rules -> Edit -> Add rule. This is for experts only, because one small typo, wrong capital or space can prevent the rule from executing.
Use the Tasks tab, select a taks of the right type and press Add rule in the footer.


For a rule to match Project, App version and Application must match EXCACTLY. (With the exception of the connection rule)
Computer allows for a partial match. E.g. Linux matches computer Linux1 and Linux2.

Use the rule button in the footer of the Tasks tab, after selecting a matching task.
Computer may be left empty to match all computer, the same for Project, App version or Application.
That said, use blank items sparingly as they may result is a large number of items to compare.


E.g. set value to 4:00:00 (4 hours) the rule is immediately triggered once Elapsed reaches and goes over 4 hours.

Δ Elapsed

Subtracts Elapsed time – previous Elapsed time, every 30 seconds. So the value can never be more than 30.
Add a time interval of e.g. 10, to prevent triggering too soon, the rule must be true in the 10 minute window.
* More time consuming rule.

Time Left

E.g. set a value of 02:00 ( 2 minutes) the rule triggers immediately once Time Left goes below 2 minutes.


The connection rule detects connectivity changes and immediately triggers the action Send email or Show alert.
The value:

  • Change: Triggered on any change in the connection.
  • Lost: As Change, but doesn’t include the connection at startup.

Projects and App fields are disregarded.
Be sure to setup and test email shown below.

Email setup Gmail

I you have a rule that uses Email, you need to setup the Email.
You can use a free Gmail account that is ONLY used to send these messages.
In Gmail go to Security and in Less secure app access set Allow less secure apps: OFF.

Go to Rules -> Email.
Now add the from/to email address and password.
Use Test to see if everything works as expected.

Email NOT Gmail

If you want to use a different way to send emails, place a xml file named email_data.xml in Boinctasks Js/settings/email.
The settings folder path can be found in Show -> Debug log ” Folder data: “.
Example email_data.xml:


<secure>: use TLS
<tls>: false do not fail on invalid certs.

Go to Rules -> Email.
Now add the from/to email address and password.
Use Test to see if everything works as expected.
Every time you press Test the xml file is read, in case you made any changes.