
Measure the Processor & GPU (CUDA/ATI) temperature.
Regulates the run time of the program, so that the Processor temperature and or GPU temperature doesn’t exceeds a set temperature.
Automatically connects to the BOINC client.

The program runs on Windows 2003 / Windows XP / Vista/ Windows 7/8/10 and works on Intel and AMD machines. The installer combines a 32 and 64 bit version.

To download TThrottle use “Download” above.
The download is an automatic installer to [program files][eFMer][TThrottle].

Select a temperature, check “Auto active” and TThrottle handles the rest.


Running BOINC.


Display the temperature of all, a couple of cores and the GPU. In minutes or days.



Or a full screen graphic, for detailed analysis.

graphic scalable

The temperature of the cores in Celsius or Fahrenheit.


More info in the manual.